Monidrop® and IV Screen demonstrated in OSASTONHOITAJA & HOITOTYÖN JOHTAJA 2019
Monidor participated as an exhibitor at the OSASTONHOITAJA & HOITOTYÖN JOHTAJA 2019 in Tampere, Finland, 15.-16. January 2019. Two days were full of great speeches and enthusiastic people at the Sokos hotel Torni. “The event is one of the most important events of the year for us, because it gathers together large number of head nurses and hospital directors in Finland” says Mikko Savola, CEO of Monidor.
Monidor was looking for new customers for the future piloting and use of IV Screen infusion remote monitoring service at the hospital wards. The small and easy-to-use device with the infusion remote monitoring attracted great interest. It was seen as significant help for nurses in the hospital wards and game changer in basic IV therapy. Trend in the western hospitals is that patients in the ward are more demanding and there is lack of nursing resources. All innovations that significantly can help nurses in their daily work are welcome to the hospitals!
“We met a lot of fascinating people and collected more than 50 very important new leads around the Finland. Our goal is to help caregivers with our solution that saves extra steps in the ward and increases patient safety by showing overview of all infusions from one PC or mobile device screen.” says Mikko Savola.