Frequently asked question
Top 5 questions
1. For what purpose and for whom is Monidor Remote IV Therapy Monitoring intended?
Monidor Remote IV Therapy Monitoring is designed for the basic IV therapy in hospital wards and for home health care. Monidor solution gives direct visibility to the ongoing intravenous therapy, also remotely with the IV Screen remote monitoring application.
2. What liquids can be used when using Monidrop®?
Antibiotics, general purpose IV solutions, blood products, and regular nutrients.
3. Can Monidrop be cleaned using the normal cleaning liquid chemicals?
Monidrop® can be cleaned and disinfected using the regular medical device cleaning methods and chemicals. For more information, please see the user manual.
4. How is the infusion flow rate adjusted?
Flow rate is adjusted by using the clamp, and the infusion speed can be seen on the screen (ml/h). Monidrop® monitors the infusion but does not adjust it.
5. Can Monidrop® be used for the same purpose as a syringe pump?
Monidrop® is designed to improve the quality of care in infusion therapy that is often conducted manually without the assistance of any electronic device.
How to buy Monidor Solution?
We sell products via distribution partners.
Does Monidrop® require a device-specific IV infusion set?
Monidrop® is compatible with the most commonly used drip sets with 20 drops/ml. It can be quickly fastened on to the drip chamber.
What kind of notifications can be set in Monidor Remote IV Therapy Monitoring?
Monidrop® device: Monidrop® device indicates alarms with LED lights and sounds. The alarm can also be set to silent mode, e.g. during night time. When using only Monidrop device without IV Screen, there are notifications for infusion occlusion (<6 ml/h), high infusion rate (>1200 ml/h), infusion rate not in target and low battery.
IV Screen application: The user can set notification limits for the target infusion speed (ml/h), total volume (ml), or elapsed time in IV Screen application. Notifications for infusion occlusion (<6 ml/h), high infusion rate (>1200 ml/h), infusion rate not in target and low battery are also available with in IV Screen. Notification for "Total volume nearly reached" is when 10 % remaining of total volume.
How do the notifications work?
Notifications are described in detail in the user manual. Notifications may occur if the infusion speed deviates from the set notification limits or the infusion rate is outside the measurement range of 6ml/h…1200ml/h. Also, a low battery notification will be given with audio (notification) and a LED light. Monidrop® audible notification delay is 3 minutes plus approximately 30 seconds when flow rate goes under 6 ml/h, total max 3 minutes 30 seconds.
How is Monidrop® charged and can it be used while charging?
The device can be charged with the device’s charger, which is included in the sales package. Monidrop® can be used while charging.
What kind of network does the Monidor Remote IV Therapy Monitoring require?
The IV Screen remote monitoring software uses the hospital's Wi-Fi network or mobile network in home healthcare settings.
What is the recommended installation equipment for one hospital ward?
Recommended equipment is 5-15 Monidrop® devices, IV Screen remote monitoring screen, 3-6 smart phones and Wi-Fi connection for one ward. Ask your local distributor for more information.